
 As a small Catholic parish, volunteerism is a multi-generational tradition. The members of the parish work together to create a unique and vibrant community. Many opportunities exist to use God-given gifts and talents to glorify Him. Please prayerfully consider these opportunities for getting involved in ministry.

Parish Council

The mission of the Parish Pastoral Council is to support the Pastor in his role and offer counsel on pastoral vision and ministry. Meetings are quarterly for long-term planning.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee advises the Pastor on financial matters of the parish. It is responsible for monitoring all income and expenses, and approving the annual budget.

Music Ministry

Join the choir or accompany the choir with an instrument during Sunday Mass, as your schedule allows. Meet in the choir loft prior to Mass.

Faith Formation

Put your faith into action and help teach our youngest parishioners. Don't want to be the lead teacher? You can still volunteer as a substitute or serve as an assistant in the classroom.

Men's Club

The Men's Club performs general maintenance and upkeep of the parish grounds. Tasks are seasonal such as lawn care and tree trimming, cemetery clean up, parking lot striping, and snow removal. All men are welcome!

View the current list of Men's Club volunteer projects.

Altar and Rosary Society

The Altar and Rosary Society is a group of parish women who prepare for funeral luncheons and provide desserts, clean the church and parish hall, coordinate an annual bake sale, and earn money to purchase First Communion and Confirmation gifts for parishioners. All women are welcome!

The Altar and Rosary Society is currently seeking officers. Please see Nancy Pumper if you are interested.


The individual who prepares the altar items for Mass.

Greeter/ Usher

Volunteers who assist people to their seat if necessary. They also take up the collection.


Reads the Scriptures and intentions at Mass each week. Lectors are scheduled a month in advance of their service.

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus meet the first Thursday of every month at St. Dominic's Church. Rosary begins in the Chapel at 6:30pm and the meeting begins at 7pm in the lower level of the church.

Contact George Budd at (507) 261-5881 with questions or to join the Knights.

Contact Us To Volunteer

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